January 9, 2024
It’s School Board Appreciation Month and we are grateful for our incredible board!

December 7, 2023
Become a substitute teacher at the best school district in the state! Click the link below to apply or call the number listed!

December 5, 2023
BHS Panthers claim first ever state football title!
Here is a link to rewatch the game!
We are so proud of our Panthers! Final Score: Bigelow 28 - EPC 14

October 27, 2023
We would like to take a moment to share information about the awesome tools that our 3rd-12th grade students have access to in a Software Suite called TextHelp. These tools enhan...

October 17, 2023
The Perry County Health Department and our wonderful Nurse Gipson will be holding the annual EESD Flu Clinic on Wednesday, October 18. They will begin at AWE in the morning and w...

October 17, 2023
You can begin ordering your 2023-2024 Bigelow High School and Anne Watson Elementary yearbooks now! Click here to place your order!

October 11, 2023
The East End School District Board of Education met for the October board meeting yesterday evening. Here is a recap of last night’s meeting:

October 5, 2023
BHS Junior Class T-Shirt Sale Two shirt designs to choose from! Cash or check only. Make checks payable to BHS (add junior class in the memo). Send payment to BHS front offic...

September 14, 2023
Introducing our BHS 12th Grade Homecoming Maids! Maids are Gabriella Black, Cayenne Curtis, Nikki Hill, and Savannah Howell.

September 14, 2023
The East End School District Board of Education met for the September board meeting. Here is a recap!

August 9, 2023
The East End School District Board of Education met for the August board meeting yesterday evening. Here is a recap of last night’s meeting:

July 27, 2023
Complete our lunch form by July 31 to DOUBLE your chances! Click here to complete the form!

July 21, 2023
Lifetouch will be in the BHS Auditorium Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 8:00am to take Senior cap/gown and tux/drape pictures. A $20 sitting fee will be required at the time pictures...

June 14, 2023
East End School District Board of Education met for the June board meeting yesterday evening. Here is a recap of last night’s meeting.

May 9, 2023
Lady Panthers will play in the State Tournament on Thursday, May 11 at 10 a.m. Help us line the streets on Wednesday at 1:45 to send them off to State!

May 9, 2023
Students attending a public school in Arkansas who are eligible for free or reduced-priced school meals by May 31, 2023 are eligible to receive the Summer 2023 P-EBT benefit. Chec...

April 12, 2023
The East End School District Board of Education met for the April board meeting yesterday evening. Here is a recap of last night’s meeting.